Back By Popular Demand

8 thoughts on “Back By Popular Demand

  1. This is the first E-Book I have ever bought. Enjoyed the sample chapters back when they were posted on the old site, looking forward to Song of Grod. The centaurs at the funeral scene had me in tears.


  2. this story is REALLY good. It’s heartbreaking, smart, chock full of political wonk history and action…I’m halfway through this and Cataline knows how to tug at a man’s heartstrings and how to draw out their rawest power ever.

    Put their children in harms ways.

    I can’t believe I’m only halfway through this…my tablet with it’s ageing wonky battery is forcing me to not binge read this. It’s a good thing…I have to keep reminding myself that this was written years ago, not last week.

    I can not recommend this more highly.


  3. Are you OK? This seems like the longest one post has remained. Infirmitas magna te non carborunda. (Don’t let the plague grind you down.)


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